3D CataLytic Environmental lAb at the Nanoscale
ANR project n°15-CE09-0009-01 (2015-2019)
Challenge 3 "Industrial Renewal"


Thierry EPICIER, thierry.epicier@insa-lyon.fr (updated 2019/11/22)


- PUBLICATIONS multi-partners

Fast electron tomography: applications to beam sensitive samples and in situ TEM or operando Environmental TEM studies
S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, F. DALMAS, C. LANGLOIS, A-S GAY, A. CABIAC, T. GRENIER, H. BANJAK, V. MAXIM, T. EPICIER, Materials Characterization, 151 (2019) 480-495. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2019.02.009, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02151235. (MATEIS-IFPEN- CREATIS)
S. KONETI et al., Materials Characterization, 151 (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2019.02.009

2D & 3D in situ study of the calcination of Pd nanocatalysts supported on delta-Alumina in an Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope
T. EPICIER, S. KONETI, P.AVENIER, A. CABIAC, A-S. GAY, L. ROIBAN, , Catalysis Today, 334, 15 (2019), 68-78. DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2019.01.061, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02151239. (MATEIS-IFPEN)

In situ insight into the unconventional ruthenium catalyzed growth of carbon nanostructures
M. BAHRI, K. DEMBÉLÉ, C. SASSOYE, D.P. DEBECKER, S. MOLDOVAN, A. S. GAY, C. HIRLIMANN, C. SANCHEZ, O. ERSEN, Nanoscale, 10 31 (2018), 14957. DOI: 10.1039/c8nr01227j. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01912233v1.  (IPCMS-IFPEN)

Thermal behavior of Pd@SiO2 nanostructures in various gas environments: a combined 3D and in situ TEM approach,
W. BAAZIZ, M. BAHRI, A-S. GAY, A. CHAUMONNOT, D. UZIO, S. VALETTE, C. HIRLIMANN, O. ERSEN, Nanoscale, 10 (2018), 20178. DOI: 10.1039/c8nr06951d. (IPCMS-IFPEN- CREATIS)

Pd@SiO2, Nanoscale, 10 (2018), 20178. DOI: 10.1039/c8nr06951d)

Insight by In Situ Gas Electron Microscopy on the Thermal Behaviour and Surface Reactivity of Cobalt Nanoparticles,
GAY, O. ERSEN, ChemCatChem 18 (2018),
DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201801445. (IPCMS-IFPEN)

Very Fast Tomography in the (E)TEM to Probe Dynamics in Materials during Operando and In Situ Experiments,
, Microsc. Microanal. 24 S1 (2018), 1814.
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927618009558, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01934140. (MATEIS-CREATIS-IFPEN)

Evaluation of noise and blur effects with SIRT-FISTA-TV reconstruction algorithm: Application to fast environmental transmission electron tomography,
H. BANJAK, T. GRENIER, T. EPICIER, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, A-S. GAY, I. MAGNIN, F. PEYRIN, V. MAXIM, Ultramicroscopy, 189 (2018), 109-123.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2018.03.022, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01812662. (CREATIS-MATEIS-IFPEN)

SIRT-FISTA-TV reconstruction (Ultramicroscopy, 189 (2018), 109-123.)

Reactivity and structural evolution of urchin-like Co nanostructures under controlled environments,
Journal of Microscopy, 269 2 (2018), 168-176; DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12656 (IPCMS-IFPEN)

Co-urchin (J. of Microscopy, DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12656)

Calcination of Pd Nanoparticles on Delta Alumina : Ex-situ Analysis versus In-situ Environmental TEM,
S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, A-S. GAY, P. AVENIER, F. DALMAS, T. EPICIER, Microsc. Microanal. 22 S5, (2016), 56.
DOI: 10.1017/S1431927616012319, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02263263.

Rapid Tomography in Environmental TEM: How Fast Can We Go to Follow the 3D Evolution of Nanomaterials in situ?,
L. ROIBAN, S. KONETI, K. TRAN, Y-M FENG, T. GRENIER, V. MAXIM, T. EPICIER, Microsc. Microanal. 22, 5, (2016), 8;
DOI: 10.1017/S143192761601206X, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01934140v1. (MATEIS-CREATIS)

- Related Publications from partners

Enhancement of Compton camera images reconstructed by inversion of a conical Radon transform
V. MAXIM, Inverse Problems 35 014001 (2019); DOI: 10.1088/1361-6420/aaecdb (CREATIS)

Electron Tomography of Plasmonic Au Nanoparticles Dispersed in a TiO2 Dielectric Matrix
S. KONETI, J. BORGES, L. ROIBAN, M.S. RODRIGUES, N. MARTIN, T. EPICIER, F. VAZ, P. STEYER, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 49, (2018), 42882-42890, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b16436, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02151266. (MATEIS)

Nanoparticles in The ETEM: From Gas-Surface Interactions of Single Objects to Collective Behavior of Nanocatalysts
T. EPICIER, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23 S1(2017), 898-899; DOI: 10.1017/S1431927617009916, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01612811. (MATEIS)

Fast “Operando” Electron Nano-Tomography,
L. ROIBAN, S. LI, M. AOUINE, A. TUEL, D. FARRUSSENG, T. EPICIER, J. of Microscopy, 269 2 (2018), 117-126; DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12557, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01612818. (MATEIS)
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In situ 2D and fast 3D Environmental TEM study of the conditioning of Pd/d-alumina nanocatalysts, T. EPICIER, L. ROIBAN, A.-S. GAY, oral at Microscopy Conference (MC2019), 01-05 septembre 2019, Berlin, De, www.microscopy-conference.de/. (MATEIS-IFPEN)

Structure and reactivity of a nano-grain by Environmental Microscopy and Electron Tomography: application to Pd@SiO2 core-shell systems, W. BAAZIZ, M. BAHRI, A-S. GAY, D. UZIO, S. VALETTE, C. HIRLIMANN, E. OVIDIU, oral au Colloque 2019 de la Soc. Française des Microscopies (SFµ), 2-5 Juillet 2019, Poitiers, F, https://colloque.sfmu.fr/fr/programme (IPCMS-IFPEN)

Fast acquisition of tilt series in environmental tem tomography: tips and tricks, T. EPICIER, T. GRENIER, H. BANJAK, V. MAXIM, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, oral au Colloque 2019 de la Soc. Française des Microscopies (SFµ), 2-5 Juillet 2019, Poitiers, F, https://colloque.sfmu.fr/fr/programme (MATEIS-CREATIS)

Fast electron tomography and its application to the study of beam sensitive samples of materials in environmental conditions, L. ROIBAN, S. KONETI, B. CHAL, A. MONPEZAT, S. TOPIN, D. FARRUSSENG, A-S. GAY, F. DALMAS, G. FORAY, T. EPICIER, conférence invitée au Colloque 2019 de la Soc. Française des Microscopies (SFµ), 2-5 Juillet 2019, Poitiers, F., https://colloque.sfmu.fr/fr/programme (MATEIS-IFPEN)

Nanomaterials ‘alive’ under gas in the Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope (ETEM), T. EPICIER, conférence invitée à ICMAT 2019, 23 - 28 June 2017, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. (MATEIS)

Nanomaterials ‘alive’ under gas in the Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope (ETEM), T. EPICIER, keynote invitee au colloque annuel 2018 du C’Nano (symposium ‘Advanced Characterization’), Toulon, 11-13 déc. 2018 (https://cnano2018.sciencesconf.org/). (MATEIS)

A Converging gaseous Environmental TEM study in a dedicated ‘open cell’ ETEM microscope and an Environmental ‘close’ Ecell, M. BAHRI, L. ROIBAN, O. ERSEN, T. EPICIER, présentation orale à la 1ère réunion nationale du GDR Nanoperando, Colloque de Lyon, 28-30 Novembre 2018 (https://nanoperando.sciencesconf.org. (IPCMS-MATEIS)

2D and fast 3D in situ calcination and reduction of pd nanocatalysts supported on alumina in Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy, T. EPICIER, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, A-S. GAY, A. CABIAC, oral à Matériaux 2018, 19-23 Nov. 2018, http://www.materiaux2018.fr/, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01934081v1. (MATEIS-IFPEN)

Gaseous Environmental TEM: a complementary study of nanocatalysts using a combined "dedicated ETEM vs E-cell" approach, M. BAHRI, L. ROIBAN, A.S.GAY., O. ERSEN, T. EPICIER, oral à IMC19, 19th International Microscopy Conference, Sidney, Australia, 9-14 Septembre 2018, www.imc19.com. (IPCMS-MATEIS-IFPEN)

A robust method to acquire tilt series in a few seconds for Fast Operando Nano-Tomography in ETEM, T. GRENIER, L. ROIBAN, H. BANJAK,S.  KONETI, , V. MAXIM, T. EPICIER, oral à IMC19, 19th International Microscopy Conference, Sidney, Australia, 9-14 Septembre 2018, www.imc19.com. (CREATIS-MATEIS)

Deep Neural Network for Iterative Image Reconstruction with Application to Fast Environmental Transmission Electron Tomography, H. BANJAK, T. GRENIER, T. EPICIER, L. ROIBAN, V. MAXIM, oral à IMC19, 19th International Microscopy Conference, Sidney, Australia, 9-14 Septembre 2018, www.imc19.com. (CREATIS-MATEIS)

Why Don’t we Follow the Calcination and Reduction Stages of Pd Nanocatalysts Supported on Alumina In Situ Directly in an Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope?, T. EPICIER, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, A-S. GAY, P. AVENIER, présentation orale à PREPA12, 12th International Symposium, 8-12 Juillet 2018, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, www.ldorganisation.com/v2/page/prepa/products.html. (MATEIS-IFPEN)

The investigation of Ni/alumina catalysts by Operando TEM: direct insights on the catalyst activation and operation during the CO2  methanation reaction,
M. BAHRI, A-S. GAY, K. DEMBELE A.-C. DUBREUIL, O. ERSEN, poster à Operando VI, 6° Int. Congress on Operando Spectroscopy, 11-19 Avril, 2018, Estepona, Málaga (Spain). (IPCMS-IFPEN)

Insight by operando tem on the thermal behaviour of cobalt-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts,
K. DEMBÉLÉ, M. BAHRI, C. HIRLIMANN, G. MELINTE, S. MOLDOVAN, A. BERLIET, A.-S. GAY, S. MAURY, O. ERSEN, poster à Solid Liquid Interfaces: Challenging Molecular Aspects for Industrial Applications [SLIMAIA), Rueil-Malmaison, F, 27-29 mars 2018. (IPCMS-IFPEN)

Microstructural evolution of Co catalysts during activation and Fischer-Tropsch reaction investigated by operando Transmission Electron Microscopy, S. MAURY, A.-S. GAY, K. DEMBELE , M. BAHRI, L. LEMAITRE, M. RIVALLAN, O. ERSEN, ‘Syngas convention’, Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, mars 2018. (IPCMS-IFPEN)

Microstructural evolution of Co catalysts during activation and Fischer-Tropsch reaction investigated by operando Transmission Electron Microscopy, A.-S. GAY, K. DEMBELE, M. BAHRI, S. MAURY, L. LEMAITRE, M. RIVALLAN, O. ERSEN, Europacat, Florence, Italie, août 2017. (IFPEN-IPCMS)

Nanoparticles in The ETEM: From Gas-Surface Interactions of Single Objects to Collective Behavior of Nanocatalysts, T. EPICIER, conférence invitée à Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, August 6-10, 2017. (MATEIS)

Rapid Tomography in Environmental TEM: Solutions for a Fast Analysis of Nano-Materials in 3D under In-Situ conditions, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, T. GRENIER, V. MAXIM, A-S. GAY, F. DALMAS, T. EPICIER, poster à Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, August 6-10, 2017. (MATEIS-CREATIS-IFPEN)

Real time 3D Environmental TEM in-depth study of catalytic soot combustion on Zirconia-based catalysts, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, D. LOPEZ-GONZALEZ, P. VERNOUX, T. EPICIER, poster à Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, August 6-10, 2017. (MATEIS)

Real time 3D Environmental TEM in-depth study of catalytic soot combustion on Zirconia-based catalysts, T. EPICIER, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, D. LOPEZ-GONZALEZ, P. VERNOUX, présentation orale à MMC2017: Microscience Microscopy Congress 3-7 July 2017, Manchester, UK (MATEIS).

Quantification des facetters cristallographiques de surface pour les nanoparticules étudiées par tomographie électronique, W. BAAZIZ, O. ERSEN, S. VALETTE, V. MAXIM, R. TOTH, A. DEKERGOMMEAUX, M. AIRIAU, poster au Colloque de la Sciété Française des Microscopies (SFµ), Bordeaux, F (2017). (IPCMS-CREATIS-IFPEN)

Towards One Hertz Electron Tomography Of Dynamic Processes Under Environmental Conditions: Expectations And Limitations Due To Blur Effects, H. BANJAK, T. GRENIER, V. MAXIM, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, T. EPICIER, communication orale à ICTMS (3rd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structure), Lund, Sweden, 26-30 June 2017 (http://ictms2017.lth.se).  (CREATIS-MATEIS)
Fast high resolution 3d microstructural characterization of nanoplatelet-filled polymer nanocomposites, S. KONETI, F. DALMAS, L. ROIBAN, T. EPICIER,, communication orale à EPFLyon 2017: 16th European Polymer Federation Congress, 02-07 July 2017, Lyon, F. (MATEIS)

The TEM nanolab: towards operando microscopy of nanomaterials under gaseous environments, T. EPICIER, conférence invitée à NANOMAT 2017; May 16-19, 2017, Fukuoka, Japan. (MATEIS)

Calcination of Pd Nanoparticles on Delta Alumina : Ex-situ Analysis versus In-situ Environmental TEM, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, A-S. GAY, P. AVENIER, F. DALMAS, T. EPICIER,communication orale à MRS Spring Meeting, April 17-21 2017, Phoenix, AZ, USA. (MATEIS-IFPEN)

Rapid Tomography in Environmental TEM: Solutions for a Fast Analysis of Nano-Materials in 3D under In-Situ conditions, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, T. GRENIER, V. MAXIM, A-S. GAY, F. DALMAS, T. EPICIER, P. VERNOUX, communication orale à MRS Spring Meeting, April 17-21 2017, Phoenix, AZ, USA. (MATEIS-CREATIS-IFPEN)

ETEM: FAST is BEAUTIFUL, Gatan webinar October by Thierry EPICIER, (2016)

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 Image deconvolution for fast Tomography in Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy, Y-M. FENG, K. TRAN, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, A-S GAY, C. LANGLOIS, T. EPICIER, T. GRENIER, V. MAXIM, Proceed. EMC2016, doi : 10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.6973, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01871239. (CREATIS-MATEIS)

Stability and reactivity of anisotropic cobalt nanostructures under inert and reactive environments investigated by in-situ TEM, K. DEMBÉLÉ, S. MOLDOVAN,  J. HARMEL, K. SOULANTICA, P. SERP, B. CHAUDRET, A.-S GAY, S. MAURY, A. FECANT. O. ERSEN, Proceed. EMC2016, doi: 10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.6180 (IPCMS-IFPEN)

Environmental Transmission Electron Tomography: fast 3D analysis of nano-materials, S. KONETI, L. ROIBAN, V. MAXIM, T. GRENIER, P. AVENIER, A. CABIAC, A-S. GAY, F. DALMAS, T. EPICIER, Proceed. EMC2016, doi: 10.1002/9783527808465.EMC2016.6438, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01871240 (MATEIS-CREATIS-IFPEN)

Fast Electron Microscopy 3D analysis of nano-materials in operando mode,  L. ROIBAN, S. KONETI, V. MAXIM, T. GRENIER, P. AVENIER, A. CABIAC, A-S GAY, F. DALMAS, T. EPICIER, conférence invitée à  EMN Meeting on Mesoporous Materials Prague, Czech Republic June 13-17th, (2016). (MATEIS-CREATIS-IFPEN)

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